Hi Victoria, thank you so much for your time today. You’ve got unique, magical ways about seeing and living life, and it will be so interesting for us to hear your story. So let's begin. Please tell us who is Victoria?
Victoria is a woman, she is care itself. Victoria is a healer, through beauty and touch.
Healer through beauty and touch, would you mind telling us about that?
I am a beauty therapist, I work with brows, I do makeup and face massage. A lot of women feel insecure about how they look, they cannot always see how beautiful they are. And with my magical touch I highlight their natural beauty. I help them see themselves in a different way and feel more confident, more powerful, more feminine. One of my clients shared with me recently that after our session their experience of life changed completely, because every morning now starts with the mirror where they see their perfect brows and then a perfect smile, and then the day becomes perfect (laughs).
I definitely have experienced this myself with you. You do not just highlight the beauty, your energy is very soothing, it facilitates one's inner beauty coming to the surface. I love working with you! What are your greatest strengths?
I think my greatest strengths are a peaceful mind and empathy.
And weaknesses?
I’ve got an addictive personality. I quite easily fall into habits whether good or bad. If it’s a good environment, good people, I change fast in a good way. For example, I easily pick up on going to the gym, dancing, reading, changing my mindset. I am an easy learner - I had a lot of hobbies in my childhood: diving, skateboarding, aerobics, music instruments, dancing - you name it - so I learn fast.
But I have to stay away from bad habits, because I get into them as quickly. Like a diet or procrastination, for example. At least now I am able to acknowledge how it affects my life, this helps me to stay in check.
Do you have any insecurities?
Yes, lack of stability. All my life I had a plan for many months in advance, my life was predictable for me. Now it's not the same. I used to have a full on business and a good regular income, but now I sometimes get into quiet periods which I am not used to.
How do you deal with this?
I try not to act on this feeling of uncertainty. I try to make a plan. But you know, everything is changing so fast. So I'm just trying to adapt to this new reality and stay calm. Stay calm and do everything right.
How do you know if it's right?
It is this feeling inside... Things I do from a love standpoint are right. On the other hand, if I make a decision based on some materialistic benefit or pure logic, it’s never going to work out.
I couldn't agree more. Even when you try to do something because you think it's a rational decision, if your heart is not there it just doesn't work.
Yeah. I’ve just come to this realisation recently. I didn't want to trust my gut. I used to be an achiever, but now I'm trying to follow my heart more to see where it takes me.
Sometimes you think it is a weakness, because you assume your actions should be more strategic. Also, worrying that you will lose by taking such heartfelt decisions. But in the long term - it’s the opposite.
Perhaps you could share your experience with me? It would be very helpful for me, it can give me some confidence in my views.
Sure. I used to always have a plan but I never had dreams. All my goals were achievable. They were cool, but achievable, like career growth, building a family, buying a property, etc. At some point I realised that I wanted these things only because society told me so. It was not where my heart was.
Just like yourself, I also used to think that this was a weakness to listen to my heart…I mean, come on, you can't just give up on your 10-year life plan and wait for something that actually sparks your heart to arise. I thought it was silly.;
But now I actually think this is the only way to go. Your heart has to be in whatever you're doing, whether it's a job or a business, a life situation, or a country you live in.; And if it's not, it's just not going to work out. I mean, it technically can, you might be fine, successful and happy “on paper”. But if you have had a taste of what life can be when you follow your heart, such “standard happiness” is never going to be enough. You won’t be satisfied with these ordinary ticks on your life’s to-do list.
Yes, yes, yes. Recently I’ve been feeling like I'm fighting with myself, fighting with my heart. And I know exactly what I want to do, but I feel like it's a weakness.
I want to have a family, I don't want to build a career. I actually want to work at a hospital and to help people. So posh life, flash cars and expensive brands are not interesting for me.
But then, I also feel insecure. A lot of my friends already have all these things and sometimes I feel like I am behind. But why? Look at that!
And you know what, Katya, when I slow down and listen to my heart, I start to feel everything. I experience hundreds of small beautiful things and I feel like the Universe is talking to me. I see so many signs and synchronicities!
But it’s scary, Katya, it’s very scary.. So now I am at this point, where I need to make a decision. I love what I do, you know, but I feel like my purpose is elsewhere. So I am in between two fires.
I understand. l You know, they say that true goals should be exciting and a little bit scary… What makes you happy?
I like my own time. Pilates, good music, baths and candles. I love cosy houses, cooking, nature, fine dining, shopping, singing songs in the car… laughs
The list goes on and on(laughs)!. What can knock you off balance?
Pressure. I can’t think clearly under pressure and I make wrong decisions which then puts me under more pressure.
How do you deal with negative emotions?
I have a tool that I can share. First, I work with my body, then my mind. For example, if you feel fear or sadness, you press your lips in a line with your fingers and hold them in a smile. Naturally when we feel these negative emotions the corners of our lips go down, so when we hold them up the mood changes. Honestly, I had such an anxiety a few nights ago and I did this exercise before bed, fell asleep holding my lips this very way and woke up fully recovered and absolutely calm.
When I feel down I also work with touch - I do face massage and body massage. And I listen to music, podcasts.
How do you recharge?
Oh! Laughs. Where should I start?
I feel like I'm always on the charging battery (laughs). I do a lot of exercise at home in the morning, like pilates or yoga. It's my first go to. Then, walks in nature, good music, baths. I don’t think I need people for this - I can recharge by myself but I would not mind a good company.
What is love to you?
Love is when both people accept each other for who they are. And try to make each other's lives better.
What is the most important lesson that you've learned in your life?
Someone who tries to change you will only break you.
Also, find yourself. I’ve always been trying different things - different mentors, hobbies, experiences - and all that has brought me to who I am today. And this is the most important thing in your life - to find yourself.
Do you have any advice for your younger self?
Don’t try to make them like you. And don’t try to change people.
Do you have any advice for you today?
Trust your heart.
It’s a good one. Seems like you know what you need to do! Is there anything that you would like to bring into your life?
A family: a husband and children.
Beautiful. Is there something you're looking forward to this year?
I'm looking forward to my next trip overseas and meeting new people.
Lovely! Thank you very much.